Improving Mobility and Activity in the Hospital

Hospitalized patients generally spend much of their day in bed. Whether in the ICU or in other hospital units, immobility and its associated negative consequences increase length of stay and hospital-acquired harms, leading to worse patient outcomes.

The Johns Hopkins Activity & Mobility Promotion (AMP) interprofessional program aims to support hospitals and health care providers that want to change the culture of patient immobility. AMP provides frontline caregivers and hospital leaders with the tools and support needed to design and implement structured quality improvement processes to successfully increase patient activity and mobility.

Our AMP program includes:

  • Conferences and workshops
  • Online e-learning courses
  • Implementation guidance from Johns Hopkins experts, tailored to fit your hospital’s specific needs

Johns Hopkins offers programs that can improve mobility in the ICU, PICU and throughout the hospital.  Click here to learn more.




Balance is a therapist-supported, digital behavioral health program that makes mental health care easier and more accessible.
The ACG System helps you combine a population-level perspective with patient-level behaviors and conditions, allowing you to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your population’s unique health care needs.
Blossom is an interactive guide that combines biometric tech, expert advice and support from loved ones to help you assess, understand and optimize your fight against diabetes.
Work Stride offers cancer prevention and education, as well as personalized nurse navigation at each stage of the cancer journey. Designed for employees, dependents, caregivers and managers.